Just scan it! (15-18 yo)

LIFE AskREACH (LIFEAskREACH LIFE16 GIE/DE/000738) aims to raise consumer awareness of substances of very high concern (SVHC) in items such as clothing, toys, kitchenware and enable safe purchasing options. Suppliers need to know and communicate with consumers about this. We have developed a free European Smartphone application “Scan4Chem” available in Greek for SVHC testing in products. Our visitors will have the opportunity to see how it works, scan the barcode of a variety of products, send requests to manufacturers/retailers and why not enter our Competition!



Vasiliki Assimakopoulou : Researcher NOA,
Erasmia Bizani : Researcher NKUA,
eirini-Selana Krontira : Associate NOA,

National Observatory of Athens