LW2 Learn Well, Live Well!

Reproductive Health is a state of absolute physical, mental and phycological well being. All the mankind has a right to reproductive health regardless their race, sex or age. Angelopoulos Fellowship appreciates the need for reproductive health awareness among the Hellenic population, especially young generation. Therefore, Angelopoulos CGIU Fellowship warmly supports the commitment of “Reproductive Health Seminars taking place to Greek Universities. The commitment is scientifically supported by the “Reproductive Health Center” of the A Gynaecology and Maternity Clinic of the Medical School of the National and Kapodistriakon University of Athens.

Dr. Mirto Sotiropoulou, gynaecologist, scientific partner of A’ Gynaecology and Maternity clinic of the Medical School of the National and Kapodistriakon University of Athens, “Alexandra” Hospital (Director: Prof. Loutradis)
Chrysanthi Saliagkopoulou, biologist, Angelopoulos Clinton GIU Fellow

Organisation: Angelopoulos Clinton GIU Fellowship, “Reproductive Health Center”, A Gynaecology and Maternity Clinic of the Medical School of the National and Κapodistriakon University of Athens (Director: Prof. Dr. Loutradis)