Dagipoli Dance Co: Vortex

Everything undulates in a perpetual rhythm…
The body, the material within, the mind and their derivatives vibrate in a rotational vortex which strengthens even more when opposite currents meet. Vortex in air lifts you anarchically and dangerously making you land hard sometimes, and others more smoothly. Vortex in water sucks you in, swallows you and takes you to the bottom and, if you have any breath left when it leaves, you will reach the external light again.
Anxieties, conflicts, battles, losses, loves, joys swirl nonstop inside her womb. Airy thoughts, moist thoughts follow the circular orbit and her persistent, strong rhythm. The entire universe, in the circle of time and space, struggles to reach zero and infinity…
The vortex that makes the present disappear instantly and sucks into it the past and the future.
The body, the spirit, before and after the vortex… fear or power?

Choreography: Jiorgos Christakis
Piano: Kostas Livadas
Narration: Andonis Kafetzopoulos
Dancers: Irini Mavromataki, Vivi Christodoulopoulou, Dimitris Grintzos, Irida Tzava, Anna Lykoura, Ana Oremolap Ziur, Anna Kouma, Antonia Livartzinou, Sotiris Tahtsoglou, Dimitra Sakka and Jiorgos Christakis