Build your own website

It is 2016 and if an idea is not online on the internet it is as though it never existed! Why wouldn’t you share your ideas with the world, then? This workshop, created by the team of Code it Like a Girl, suitable for children and teenagers aging from 11 to 15 years old, is going to introduce you to the basics of HTML and CSS, the structural languages of the web. At the end of this session you will have written the code for your first, personal website. For convenience of the participants, please BYOL – bring your own laptop!

Olga Matoula, Computer Engineer
Maria Dermentzi, Law Student
Anastasia Siapka, Law Student
Eleni Vasiliki Provopoulou, Economist, MSc IT and Management
Maria Nefeli Chatziioannidou, Entrepreneur / Economist

Organisation: Angelopoulos Clinton GIU Fellowship