How much is many?

Natural resources are vital for the survival and well-being of the ever-increasing population of the Earth. Resources refer to food, materials or energy that we can get naturally from the Earth. All people should have access to nature’s resources, regardless of race, income or place of residence, however these are not equally distributed across the planet and their management is subject to friction between and within countries. This workshop will provide the impetus for understanding our world and how it works. Children are introduced to the concepts of global citizenship, the allocation and management of natural resources while reflecting on issues of social and environmental justice. At the same time, through playful and cooperative learning, they develop problem-solving skills, exploring solutions for the fair distribution of natural resources among the world’s population.


Tragaki Alexandra: Professor, HUA, Elliniadou Elena: Doctoral Student HUA, Pagomenou Ifigeneia: Senior Educational Program Leader, SciCo