Research on screen! life sciences for everyone!

Are you interested in science? The «Max Planck Cinema» film series brings to you the forefront of basic research – here mainly on biology – making it accessible to everyone. Why are proteins important? What are the chaperones and why are they considered as the proteins “nannies”? How do they leave traces in the brain functions of memory and learning? How does light get… in our nerves and what does relevant research aim for? How does the environment determine the properties of an organism? What are the patents we can copy from nature to resolve various problems? This event focuses on issues that directly affect our lives and takes what happens behind research laboratories’ doors on screen in an entertaining and accesible way. The event is addressed to everyone – students, teachers, current and future researchers and those who want to catch a glimpse into the future.

Organised by: The Goethe-Institut, Athens in collaboration with the Foundation Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science and the Centre for Society, Science and Art Caid, Athens

Photograph: © Max Planck