Konstantinos Oroklos | Extreme Jumps: Flying without Wings

Wingsuit base jumping is an extreme activity that requires tremendous training, experience, and awareness, as the risk is heightened and death is not uncommon. To achieve such a jump, specially designed suits are used based on aerospace and aerodynamic technology, as well as the most modern construction materials!

Studying local weather phenomena, meteorological knowledge, as well as proper mapping of the terrain morphology that the athlete will follow are the weapons to successfully complete a jump with relative safety.


Konstantinos Oroklos: Skydiver-base jumper-wingsuit flyer

In 1996, I made my first static line jump with a round parachute in the special forces. Shortly after my service, I got into skydiving, and in 2012, I entered the most extreme realm of base jumping while simultaneously starting my involvement with wingsuits. From 2016 onwards, I combined my two new passions into what is called wing suit base, which is both the flagship of parachuting and the most dangerous and deadly, giving you the sensation of human flight without mechanical support at the same time.