Materials of the future

In this session you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with materials that will shape every aspect of our future life, on Earth and Space. Materials of the future have exotic properties owing to their dimensionality and internal microstructure. They have either been discovered serendipitously or designed in a computer. These materials can weigh as much as a feather and be strong as steel. They can have geometrical feature sizes smaller than the diameter of a single hair mimicking human tissue. All these materials will change the way we build homes, ships, space crafts, cars and cure diseases. Join us in ASF to explore a new reality in which every industry and community will change and adapt to these technological breakthroughs of our century. (Language of the event : English)


Filippos Tourlomousis : Postdoctoral Researcher, The MIT Center for Bits and Atoms, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Filippos is a mechanical engineer, who is currently working as a Post-Doctoral Associate at the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms, sister lab of the Media Lab and home of the thousand fab labs spread around the world. At CBA Filippos is working under the supervision of Prof. Neil Gershenfeld on rapid prototyping of machines for the processing of complex fluids. The project aims to accelerate the discovery of novel materials and make materials measurements accessible to the masses. As a scientist/inventor he aims to create architected materials capable of harnessing geometry for engineering responses to a degree never possible before. To accomplish this, he is researching and developing novel high-resolution printing methodologies for the creation of truly three dimensional structures with micrometer resolutions. With these new tools he has created 3D biomaterial systems capable of programming stem cell replication by pure manipulation of cell shape
With the support of the U.S. Embassy in Athens