Playing with Protons: A wonder-full primary education initiative

The Playing with Protons primary education initiative, led by the CMS experiment at CERN, is now in its 2 nd year of implementation, having engaged effectively more than 3,500 students from over 50 schools in Greece and the UK with the wonder-full world of physics, discovery and innovation. This workshop aims to share good practices developed by Greek Playing with Protons primary teachers-ambassadors over the last 2 years to help colleagues, and teacher trainers appreciate the critical role of hands-on collaborative creativity in awakening wonder, courage and self-esteem in all primary students. The workshop is targeted for primary teachers and teacher trainers. Participation in the workshop is limited to 20 people on a first come, first serve basis.


Kyriaki Zervou : Primary teacher, 6th Intercultural Primary School of Eleftherio-Kordelio, Giorgos Patsoulakis : Primary teacher, 8th Primary School of Keratsini

Playing with Protons, CMS, CREATIONS, SNF