Quantum Thinking: Will It Save the Future?

Quantum Physics is a century old now, and revolutionized Physics. Quantum Computing, forty years in the making and gathering steam, is still working on materializing its considerable promise. Quantum Thinking has taken its cue from both inspirational sources. This talk will briefly lay out what the underlying principles of “quantum” amount to in Physics and in Computing, and what of these principles Quantum Thinking inherits. The prevailing focus will address how novel Quantum Thinking in fact is, what challenges it promises to address, and whether it offers a genuinely new way of addressing our pressing social challenges.


David Theo Goldberg: Professor of Anthropology, Comparative Literature, and Criminology, Law and Society, University of California,

Trained in Philosophy, David Theo Goldberg is a Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Comparative Literature, and Criminology, Law and Society, University of California, Irvine. He directed the systemwide University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI) for the past two decades. Goldberg’s work ranges over issues of social, political, and critical theory, the impact of technology on human futures, digital technology, and race and racism. His numerous books include Dread: Facing Futureless Futures (2021); Are We All Postracial Yet? (Polity, 2015); The Future of Thinking (with Cathy Davidson, 2011); and the forthcoming War on Critical Race Theory (2023). He served as the Executive Director of the MacArthur-sponsored UCHRI Research Hub in Digital Media and Learning at UC Irvine, an on-site and virtual research facility designed to promote field-building in the area.