Your eyes to in vivo molecular imaging

Nanotechnology combined with molecular imaging in the healthcare sector constitutes one of the most promising scientific fields. Smart nanoparticle-based vehicles present unique diagnostic and therapeutic properties for a variety of diseases. Molecular imaging allows for early diagnosis and prompt evaluation of therapeutic schemes. The Greek company BioEmissionTechnologySolutions, having an active part in six projects of the “Horizon 2020” EU Framework Programme, will present the innovative projects in which they participate. Their main goal will be to communicate in a simple yet scientific approach the evolution in the field and show the potential in research and entrepreneurship on a national level.

Participation days:
27/04/2018, 28/04/2018

BioEmissionTechnology Solutions – BIOEMTECH


George Loudos : PhD, CEO BioEmission Technology Solutions , Maria Georgiou : PhD, CTO BioEmission Technology Solutions , Panagiotis Papadimitroulas : PhD, Project Director, BioEmission Technology Solutions, Eliana Poumbrou : International Sales Director, BioEmission Technology Solutions, Maritina Rouchota : Medical Physics MSc University College London, Physicist University of Athens, Eirini Fragogeorgi : PhD, PhD in Radiochemistry NCSR Demokritos, MSc Chemist University of Athens, Sofia Sarpaki : PhD, PhD in Radiochemistry University of Bath, MRs Imperial College London