When Science meets Art

21 October, 2016 News


The love – or sometimes craze – for science does not only manifest itself through calculations and testing tubes or on messy lab desks. It can also appear on canvasses, through camera lenses and in video projects! A walk through the art gallery of the Athens Science Festival showed us that this is, in fact, the case.

Despite not leaving Technopolis, we traveled… with “The Gift of Mass” by art@CMS from CERN we felt how it is to be transferred back to the origin of the universe, while observing our bodies being formed out of the building blocks of matter: scattered particles. With the help of astrophotographies by the Astronomical Union of Sparta we found ourselves floating somewhere among planes, nebulae and clusters. We even heard our planet’s magnetic field change due to magnetic storms!

At Edyta Masior’s interactive exhibit, where sound turns into colour and colour into sound, we realized that balloons are not just for parties… And in all that we also learned how to go green. Through the project “Unwaste Coffee” we saw how to make the most out of several materials as to reduce our carbon footprint.

In her exhibition “Aurum”, artist Sofia Vini showed us her family in the form of microorganisms. She confessed to stealing biological samples from her family and growing them on a Petri dish. She then took pictures of her dishes and gave us a tour though her family album. We also saw what’s hidden in the depths of our electronic devices, through the exhibition of artist Stathis Katsarelis. He presented small works of art that sneaked onto chips and convinced us that art is everywhere, even when we’re not aware of it.

A science-themed exhibition is not only a challenge for the eyes but also for the brain. A team of architects decided to play with our senses and make us ask ourselves: “Do you see what you see? Maybe you see what you don’t see and don’t see what you see…?”. A room full of optical illusions made us not believe our eyes!