Innovation through Education – Education through Entertainment – Entertainment through Interaction

28 March, 2017 News

Through a detailed digital 3 dimensional reconstruction of the archaeological site of KNOSSOS, iGuide KNOSSOS developed by the Integrated Systems Laboratory (ISL) of the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications of NCSR Demokritos, will be available in a virtual reality environment during Athens Science Festival. Using specific Oculus headset a visitor can navigate through the site and can interact through various hotspots, therefore activating the tour section of the guide. The tour is compiled of various texts, narrations and animations.

Learning, creativity and entertainment compose the concept of the SMARTcamp educational workshops for students. Demonstration of EEG technologies, Robot demo and videos will give an idea of the student summer workshops.

Interactive Exhibition
Days: Wednesday 29/3 to Friday 31/3
Hours: 9:00-14:00

More info at:
FB ISL NCSR Demokritos (@isl.demokritos)
FB SMARTCamp ISL NCSR “Demokritos” (@smartcamp.isl.demokritos)