At the Athens Science Festival 2024, we are preparing for a dive into the world of the seas with XPLORE BLUE!

14 April, 2024 News

Meet the Vessels, Explore the Sea! In the world of Xplore Blue, exploration is not just an activity, but a comprehensive experience that unveils the secrets of the ocean! Every journey becomes a challenge, an opportunity to discover new species, explore uncharted areas, and gain a deeper understanding of marine life and ocean ecology.

Xplore Blue transforms each ship into a full oceanographic exploration vessel and every coastal zone into an oceanographic base, encouraging visitors young and old to become the next Blue Xplorers! Experience firsthand one of the Xplore Blue vessels and explore the possibilities through the ‘sensor kit.’ Experiences such as navigating an underwater ROV, monitoring from the Mission Control station, and many more await you!

Xplore Blue is a company, part of the EY ZHN LIFE ecosystem. An ecosystem of companies and initiatives for a new era focused on life. Our goal is to help redefine our industries and transition from our current anthropocentric culture to a new paradigm where Life and well-being for all beings are at the forefront. On the only known planet where Life exists!

The mission of Xplore Blue stems from the deep belief that the prosperity of the seas and oceans is important not only for marine life but also for the future of humanity. Through innovation and research, Xplore Blue develops solutions that allow humans to coexist with the ocean, promoting sustainability and development with respect for the environment.

Your adventure as a Blue Xplorer begins here, at the Athens Science Festival 2024. Are you ready to dive into the unknown? Explore XPLORE BLUE every day of the Festival in the forecourt area.