Augmented Reality Workshop for Educators with COSMOTE CHRONOS App

29 March, 2024 News

If you’re an educator, it’s likely you’ve struggled at times to keep your students’ attention on the board. But wouldn’t it be amazing if, instead of describing the Acropolis of Iktinos and Kallikrates, you could take a tour of the Parthenon and admire together the famous chryselephantine statue of Phidias in honor of Athena?

In an era where technology is radically changing our world, this is now possible. The COSMOTE CHRONOS app embodies this change to the fullest, offering an innovative experience – via mobile phones and tablets – regarding how we acquire knowledge, explore, and discover new aspects of our culture.

Specifically, COSMOTE CHRONOS is an app that, leveraging advanced technologies, allows users to explore and admire the Acropolis and other monuments that adorned Athens at the height of its glory. With this unique app, which can transform history lessons from written narratives into audiovisual experiences, we host the specially designed workshop “COSMOTE CHRONOS – Augmented Reality in Education” at the Athens Science Festival.

The one-hour COSMOTE workshop is aimed at educators who wish to delve into new teaching methods through digital technologies. Guided by the COSMOTE CHRONOS app, they will have the opportunity to explore cutting-edge technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). They will also understand how they could utilize these to transform the educational process and adopt a more creative and effective learning method.

Are you an educator? Secure your spot at the Athens Science Festival and discover how new technologies are changing education.


COSMOTE CHRONOS is a unique app that brings the Acropolis to life on your mobile or tablet. It combines AR, VR, and AI technologies with the capabilities of the 5G network, making exploring the archaeological site and learning history playful. It is available for free and works on 4G & 5G networks of all mobile providers and WiFi, on iOS and Android devices supporting ARKit and ARCore. You can find more information about the app here.

Saturday 20 April 2024 | Innovathens Ground Floor | 16:00

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