“Green” Stories of Change in the “Kitchen” of the Athens Science Festival

10 April, 2024 News

Where should the excess frying oil go? And what could we do with it? Motor Oil Group and its subsidiary, “Prasino Ladi”, come to the Athens Science Festival with their own “Green” Stories of Change that begin in the kitchen! “Small Acts” with “Big Impact” aim to inspire our children to take action for the future of our planet.

A fun “Recycling Adventure” and awareness about the benefits of the circular economy awaits the young visitors of the ASF. Through the eponymous workshop, children will explore the world of circular economy through the recycling of frying oil and its conversion into biodiesel. By participating in an interactive, educational game, they will learn how oil from frying can “transform” into fuel for our vehicles!

(Tuesday, 16 April | INNOVATHENS | 09:30 – 11:45)

Meanwhile, in the interactive exhibition “The recycling of frying oil: The green energy of the future” children will have the opportunity to explore the process of separating oil from water and discover—by learning—why we shouldn’t dispose of frying oil just anywhere. Participating in an educational experiment, they will engage with the world of circular economy and clean energy and be inspired to take action in their daily lives.

Can “green” change start in the kitchen? Come to the Athens Science Festival and discover Small Acts with Big Impact for the environment, our health, and the future of our planet.