Geometries, Streaming Museum

Streaming Museum presents Geometries, a collection of video art by international artists including Ryoji Ikeda, David Bates, Jr., Maurice Benayoun, Frédéric Bonpapa and Ronan Devlin, who view the world through the lens of science, technology, life, the elements.

Ημέρες Συμμετοχής:

25/04/2018, 26/04/2018, 27/04/2018, 28/04/2018, 29/04/2018

STREAMING MUSEUM was founded in NYC in 2008 by Nina Colosi as a public art experiment to produce and present exhibitions and programs of art, innovation, and world affairs. Since then programs have reached millions on 7 continents in public spaces, at cultural and commercial centers.

Streaming Museum